My passwords here at Mozilla are basically pretty long and I use mutt as a mailer, so it gets rather tedious whenever I send out an email to type in my password each time. So I spent some time setting up gpg-agent on my system and gpg encrypted a file that contains my password. This blog post will document the method used to achieve this setup
Installing GPG and gpg-agent
Depending on your OS you will need to have gnupg and gpg-agent installed, I'm running Mac OSX so I used homebrew
brew install gnupg
brew install gpg-agent
Encrypting password file
I created a gpg encrypted password file in my home directory
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.passwd
echo "My password" | gpg -r <email here> --encrypt > ~/.passwd/mozilla.gpg
Setting up bash
Create the a file called .bash_gpg in your home directory
if test -f "$envfile" && kill -0 $(grep GPG_AGENT_INFO "$envfile" | cut -d: -f 2) 2>/dev/null; then
eval "$(cat "$envfile")"
eval "$(gpg-agent --daemon --log-file=~/.gpg/gpg.log --write-env-file "$envfile")"
export GPG_AGENT_INFO # the env file does not contain the export statement
Add the following to your .bashrc file
GPG_AGENT=$(which gpg-agent)
export GPG_TTY
if [ -f ${GPG_AGENT} ]; then
. ~/.bash_gpg
You can further configure the nature of gpg-agent by editing the ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file
default-cache-ttl 86400
pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry
max-cache-ttl 172800
Thats just an example of what I have, of course you can edit it to suit your needs